Sunday, August 23, 2009 @ 9:51 PM

yesyes,i'm oblivious to my social network,i know that.
the leaning tower of pisa.the first thing i remembered in the morning.yes,totally random.i think the reason why i thought about the tower is becos of jianhao?he posted jason mraz's "live high".no link,right? i'm a freak,thankyou.
but.since i have this habit to think into what i'm thinking,i thought about it.
thinking and thinking,i have a different point of view of the tower now.
as in,a different view in terms of thinking. cos it'll be pretty dumb if i say different view in terms of view. what am i saying?idk.feel like backspacing everything i type,but nah,lazy.
anyways,i've digressed.wait.i don't even know what's the topic.
ohyeah,the tower. well,take the tower as a relationship.